Guatemalan Bull Terrier Standards as laid out in Guatemala
FUNCTION: It is an extremely intelligent dog that inspires respect. An excellent guard and defense dog, always alert to confront any danger, of medium constitution and possessing stamina.

GENERAL APPEARANCE:  Medium stature, strong and muscular, very energetic, great endurance and speed. They are characterized as excellent guards, a task they accomplish with great bravery.

HEAD: Of moderate length, flat broad skull and wide between the ears, moderate stop, tight muzzle with out wrinkles. Faults: short or narrow head, very defined stop or lack of.

EYES: Of medium size, round and in well proportion to the head with moderate separation, lively and intelligent. Color should be dark, black or brown preferably, although light colors such as amber and yellow are acceptable. Fault: blue eyes, red eyelids, tow different color eyes (serious fault)

NOSE: Preferably black, some pink coloring (not total) is acceptable, large nostrils. Fault: nose completely with out pigmentation or pink.

MUZZLE: A bit long and powerful with clean tight lips. Scissors bite. Faults: pointed muzzle, loose jowls or underbite.

EARS: Set high up on the head, cropped and erect. Faults: low set or not cut.

NECK: Clean cut and moderately long, thigh skin.

BODY: Moderately compact but not rough, deep chest, strong with out being to broad, moderately arched ribs and well defined, strong, firm and muscular back. Faults: very narrow or weak chest, ribs that are to arched.

FRONT LEGS: Straight and well poised.

HIND LEGS: Muscular, well-developed thighs, good angulation, locks being equal with the front legs. Faults: straight hocks.

FEET: Short tight toes, thick pads and strong skin. Faults: splayed toes, extended toes or thin pads. Dew claws should be removed.

TAIL: Held high, set well up on the rump and docked to the third vertebrae. Faults: low tail insertion or held timidly.

COAT: Short coarse, thick hair lying close and smooth to the body.

COLOR: Completely white or with black or brown pigment spots under the hair. Eye or head patches. Faults: any coloration on the hair. (pigment spots on skin only)

HEIGHT: 22"-24" at the shoulder.

TEMPERAMENT: Violent but controllable character, always attentive and very distrustful of strangers, extremely alert. Their character should instill fear, they should always be ready to attack, be weary of strangers, brave, obedient with their love and few friends. They do not let stranger touch them and should not be disqualified if they become aggressive in the show ring. Faults: timidity.

GENERAL FAULTS: General aspect to light, like a whippet, heavy body, different colored eyes, blue eyes, undershot, spots of color on hair (skin pigmentation is accepted) one testicle, long or curly hair.

DISQUALIFICATIONS: Different colored eyes, one or no testicles.